Monday, February 9, 2009

Valentines Raffle

This has been a pretty uneventful day really. Although the passengers have been great sports taking part in all of the activities, there have been no real characters today. The weather is almost at a temperature that I like, it was about 73 degrees in Grand Bahama today and it is supposed to reach the 80’s tomorrow and that is the temperature I love. The 70’s are great for my running as it isn’t too hot, but the 80’s are perfect for the beach, which I have missed going to the past couple of weeks. Valentines weekend is approaching fast and we are fully booked the whole weekend. We have a special crew valentines raffle the Tuesday after Valentines Day and there are some great prizes. The first prize that everyone wants is a laptop computer and the tickets are only $1 each, so the crew is going crazy buying them. We have almost run out of tickets and may have to buy some more. The money generated from the sales covers the cost of the prizes and the remainder goes into the crew welfare fund for future events. I am never very lucky when it comes to these things, but I have purchased a ticket for each one of my staff, hoping that they will have more luck than I do, I would just love to see one of them win.

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