Thursday, January 1, 2009

Ninety nine Red Balloons!

Greetings, gentile readers. ITMA!
Well now that the Big Day is out of the way for yet another year, (Man, they go past so fast, it doesn’t seem like yesterday that I was getting my Secret Sam spy attachĂ© case!) it is time to get ready for the Big Night! New years Eve is approaching with an amazing rapidity, and once again the excitement is building in the passengers, this time it seems to be the adults that are feeling anticipatory!

During the travel talk to day the excitement over spilled as a local cheerleader group all shook their pompoms at me…every one of them members of the “Over Eighties Rah-Rah For Miami!” club! I don’t know what on earth they were wearing under their uniforms, but man, it needed ironing!

New Year resolutions are another major consideration of course, past one’s for me have included giving up Butter beans, and to stop dancing with suitcases strapped to my feet. This year, my resolution is to try to have a better balanced diet. Now when I eat bacon sandwiches, I’ll have one in both hands!

Once again, the rambler in me seems to be making a determined effort to come forth, so I shall try to beat it down and concentrate at the matter in hand. Our noisemakers, hats and balloons are here, (The joy!) and now I am just waiting for the helium, still, to fill the balloons. Otherwise, I will have some very unhappy, and winded, team members. When I was a young entertainer at holiday villages around my home country, we had to blow up loads of balloons every Friday, and have them in a balloon net, ready to cascade down at the end of the night amongst grateful holiday makers, who then destroyed an hours work in about 30 seconds by stamping on them all while all the time giggling like school girls!
So the fact that they are helium filled these days serves two purposes, One, the team members of this day and age don’t have to sit for hours blowing up balloons manually, and Two, because all the balloons are on the ceiling, there will be no Passenger balloon popping! We are going to go on a cruise to nowhere, just into international waters so that means when we return, there will be no Homeland Security protocols to go through, which will be just as well, as I think there will be some very relaxed people, probably with balloons tied to their wrists, New Year hats askew, tie’s undone and high heels in hand! (And that will be just be the guys!) This New Year’s celebrations look to be some of the best out of the twenty-one (A-Hem!) I have attended; I will let you all know how they went on Jan 1st! I’ll bet you can hardly wait!
‘Till next time,

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