Thursday, January 1, 2009

Memories that will last forever!

Greetings once more, Gentile readers! ITMA!
It has been a real doozey of a day, today folks! We have had over a thousand passengers again, (second day in a row!) on the way to Grand Bahama! There have been safety meetings, (A subject we take very seriously, and my red nose and large shoes have to be left firmly at the door!) there have been issues to deal with, and there has been paper work coming out of my Ah, there’s my coffee!

A great deal of passengers means a great deal of passenger activity, and we had to send two coaches on the beach and shopping tour today, which meant I had to send another team member along, because we promise a team member to look after them on their coach. The shame is, I was going to go along today (I wanted to get my self a conch salad, a local delicacy) but because we had so many to disembark, I couldn’t go along. Sometimes, it is such a hard life! I had to go onto the lido deck instead and enjoy a nice cold Capri Sun in the hot Bahamian sunshine. Sitting in the sunshine, I started to reflect upon what we still had to do in the up coming days.

On New Years Day and on the 3rd of the month, we have Weddings on board. This is a real cool event that we have been doing on the Discovery Sun for the best part of a year now. I don’t do a lot in the ceremony, just sort out the music and blast the ships horn at the end. (On my last ship, imagine my surprise when the first wedding party came on board, and I was told I had to be beside the Captain, and had a participating role in the ceremony! Yikes! Mind you I have attended quite a few weddings…in a principle position…and I have heard the words more than most!) Discovery Sun can, if you wish, supply an officiate, and the whole thing can be taken care off right here on board! I am particularly looking forward to the ceremony on New years day, as it is taking place at 06.30, but don’t worry gentile readers, I will be prompt and not suffering from any ill effects of the night before, as I am not drinking any more. I’m not drinking any less, but I am not drinking any more! No, I will be honest, when I was younger I would mix my drinks, but now the grape soda and the Capri suns are always on different nights! I do have a feeling that New Years Eve will be a “got milk?” kind of night! Early mornings! Don’t you just love them? Then, after the wedding, they will head for a champagne breakfast in the Grand Bahama Grill, our posh restaurant! (Oh, just as an aside, for those who don’t know, posh stands for Port Out, Starboard Home, which is the way the upper classes traveled to and from India, back in the days of the empire! British, not Roman!)

The day promises to be a day full of memories for the happy couple. And I know they will talk about the photo’s, the cake, the romantic setting, the happy, smiling face of the officiate, but I know that secretly, the happiest memory will be the one of the deft fingers that sounded that Ships Horn!

Oops, I think I am starting to peel. Man, this December sunshine!

‘Till next time,

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